Monday, February 8, 2010

Living in the Land of Miracles

I supposed you're wondering what my title is all about.  There isn't really any particular reason except for the fact that I'm reading a book by Simon Winchester titled "Korea: A Walk Through the Land of Miracles."  Now, we call assume I'm biased and probably can relate to what Winchester discusses more so than those of you that have never lived or traveled in Korea, but I must say that this book is amazing.  It recounts Winchester's travels through South Korea in the 1980s.  I was telling my mother how awesome it is to know exactly what he is talking about whether he is talking about the people, the land, the culture, or even Gwangju, which he devotes an entire chapter about the political movement and killing of over 2,000 three decades ago.  Anyways, Winchester traveled from Jeju Island all the way up to Panmunjom, which is just south of the DMZ.  He traveled by ferry (only to get to the main land from Jeju) and foot.  This book is one of the best non-fiction books I've read.  So, if you're interested in reading and learning about what I'm experiencing here, pick it up here.

This post is really about nothing so if you want to stop reading, I understand.  Anyways, I took some pictures of my Playground 1 class last week.  You've probably seen a lot of pictures of these kids, but they're really the only class that gets super excited when I pull out my camera.  Below are some of the pictures I took.

Other than that, the only plans (as said numerous times before, but I feel I should continuously remind you) is that I am going to Busan this weekend, now with only Katelyn.  Again, I'm looking forward to it.  Next weekend (2/20), I'm going up to Suwon and Seoul to hang out with my friend Chang Wook, so that should be a pretty good time.

Well, enjoy the pictures and duly note how cute these kids are if you haven't already.